Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Legend of Chief Cobmoosa & Pres. A. J. -42

     Houston's band of fighters collected more volunteer citizens coming to fight.  Houston received word from Jackson that soon he'd have enough fighters to defeat Santa Anna.  They were coming brandishing guns, ammunition and food to feed an army of men.  All paid for by citizen Andrew Jackson - the pay it forward man.  He paid it for the benefit of his people and America.
     So many volunteers rushed to serve that they didn't have enough food and so everyone was given less than full rations.  All the men who answered the call from citizen Jackson and then Houston's fighters attacked and the fight was on when Houston stopped retreating and changed direction.  Santa Anna's army was surrounded. 
     After 38 days of retreat and jousting Houston brought his legions of volunteers to bear when they crossed the Buffalo River and defeated Santa Anna's forces at the junction of Buffalo Bayou and the San Jacinto River.  Santa Anna's forces were annihilated and the Mexican president became a prisoner of war.  His remaining army fled back across the Rio Grande back into Mexico.
     Jackson knew Houston wouldn't run from diversity.  Patience is sometimes the better part of valor.  Quick to fight with a hot temper works sometimes, but Jackson pondered the "what if's of battle." Studying the enemy in relation to your own forces can save the lives of valiant soldiers.  Stirred Indians rushed to fight whereas patience fighters lived longer and knew how a battle should unfold to gain the upper hand.
     President Jackson's last term in office had lots of emergent things to challenge his mind and heart, but that's what a  President is supposed to do.  Not sit on the sidelines and wait without a plan of action.  Many citizens thought Jackson lost his mind when he ordered his specie circular payments in gold and silver coinage.  He prevailed and turned America around financially.  He couldn't halt the financial collapse, but he lessened the severity.
     Throughout his life he was taught the difference between right and wrong.  Just because he grew up wild and fatherless didn't mean his mother's words fell off his deaf ears, but when he became a politician then he knew his mother taught him well despite the fact she wanted him to become a minister.  He became a prankster and a self made ladies man.  He led a hard life and spent his years in the White House without religion.  He envisioned that having religion was political suicide.
     He was the survivor of many things and it wasn't until he left office did he convert to Christianity in July 1838 in his mother's church at a time when he was almost blind in one eye and quite feeble.  He died peacefully June 8, 1845 and is buried in his estate garden on the grounds of his beloved "Hermitage" he rescued from ruin in 1837.
     On March 4, 1837 and one year after the death of his friend Davey Crockett - well Old Hickory retired to his home, the Hermitage to find it neglected and in disrepair.  His 1000 acres of cotton was ruined by Tennessee's worst drought in memory.  After having paid it forward to American Indians and Texas Independence as citizen Jackson he still had enough money in his coffer to buy his son Andrew a 20,000 acre farm and had money left over to repair the Hermitage and so let's return to Cobmoosa's legend because it ain't over and Cobmoosa had a secret. (continued)

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