Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Search for Secrets of A Sunken Cannon - 38

"When Weather Changed History" with Jim Cantore on the Weather Channel is a great lesson in history to explain how America's violent weather changes the history of our lives depending on where we live. The Weather Channel and Cable news broadcasts show us instantaneous video from around the world and America, case in point, the Chile earthquake and Hawaiian tsunami and Oklahoma twisters yesterday Mar. 8th. Those who say the weather is more violent because of global warming or global climate change are misinformed.

Today's weather isn't more violent. It is the same as it was 100-500 years ago. Scientists study only what they see happening today and not the past. The only difference between past and present is nanosecond viewing on demand. The destruction seen today looks greater, because we live like sardines packed into a can. Weather is only revelant to those living it, but it is no more or less violent than what our Cannonsburg, Michigan or Cannon Beach, Oregon forefathers witnessed or your ancestors. Mother Nature rules the weather and pity us the day man controls the weather.

I've already released what kind of cannon Bob Alcumbrack had to mentally envision to dowse the missing Cannonsburg cannon. During the two years after his big dig failed he found an important artifact - an iron cannonball 1.87 inches in diameter, the size of which showed it could only be fired from a Falconet of 2.01 inch calibre, but the mystery yet to be determined 'was the 1.47 pound ball fired from a Danish, Austrian, French, Swedish or English cannon.' The ball was well preserved, with minimal oxidizational rusting. The cannon style was unknown, but cannons varied in width, length and weight, but when researching history note things change as time passes similar to automobile model changes the year. Time pass changed cannon bore widths, too. Size of cannonball must be 13 hundreths to 21 hundreths of an inch smaller than bore size. This was a standard requirement for safe firing. It prevents the ball from being wedged too tightly in case of bore constrictions, restrictions in metal fatigue or obstructions. So lets return to 'search for secrets.'

Upon Mary, Queen of Scots execution in the Tower of London by Queen Elizabeth in 1587, her son James I became Scotland's king until the death of Queen Elizabeth and then assumed his rightful throne as King of England, Ireland and Scotland (1603-1625). I should point out that in 2005 a nights lodging in the Tower of London was $518.00 per person to get the feeling what it was like staying in the tower by kings, queens, dissidents and executions from past history. Don't visit if afraid of ghosts.

James' reign saw much turmoil towards Puritanisms and yet he constantly disappointed Catholics, survived the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 by radical Catholics who plotted to blow up the king and parliament and despite this he published the authorized version of the Bible in 1611. Upon his death in 1625, his son Charles I assumed his throne as King of England, Ireland and Scotland (1625-1649).

During Charles I reign it is here where small cannons changed calibre. In 1643, the two-inch English falconets were recalibrated to 2.25 inch weighing 500 pounds while Falcons were recalibrated from 2.50 to 2.75 inch weighing 800 pounds, but all were less than 72 inches long. Falconets were 44-65 inch and falcons 54-72 inch. All were made of bronze and no iron castings. The Cannonsburg cannon originates from before 1643 if English, made by Danish or Austrian cannonfounders. Physical features of these cannons varied widely, too, but evidence found later suggests Danish design, but most of these cannons were produced in pairs, few alone. These were specialty cannons poured before kings and queens and that's what made the Cannonsburg cannon and carriage ornate, because most cannons were standard issue including carriages.

When Charles I passed his son Charles II assumed his rightful throne as King of England, Ireland and Scotland (1660-85). When Charles II arrived his father had already amassed 854 cannons and thousands of round shot transferred to Woolrich to be stored safely in the event war broke out. Many were cast iron muzzleloaders made in England at Moorsfield and Sussex in south England. It had taken almost 100 years to amass so many weapons of war since the days of Queen Elizabeth. England was forced to make its own cannons because it was constantly warring with many of its primary cannon supply countries, but future history would show that patterns of fraud would again invade the safety of His Majesty's fighting men. Cannons got larger and more deadly.

At the time of Charles II death, the Moorsfield foundry was busy cranking out cannons, but difficulties arose when getting them to proof - 1st shot successfully without incidence of premature explosions. Too many were exploding upon proofing. The craftsmen who survived the blast thought that wood firing couldn't produce the heat necessary for smelting iron and began substituting it for sea-coal. Sea-coal was being mined in northeast England, the coal being transported by sea to London, hence the name sea-coal.

When Charles died in 1685, the new King of England, Ireland and Scotland, James II, son of Charles I fled his kingdom in the face of the Glorious Rebellion to France in 1688 leaving Parliament to accept William III, the Prince of Orange (1689-1702) and Mary II (1689-94) as joint Sovereigns. Despite three wars King William built up military stores keeping more than what was lost. No secrets this paragraph, but I did secretly bury in text already whether or not Bob discovered the cannon. The nuts and bolts are still secret and I didn't share. Deciphering where in my mysterious writing style is where you must begin your search for clues. Remember you are the post-facto participant. Search for secrets continues and again you'll get more insight into how and when weather changed history.

Storm stories and when weather changes history is a good educational tool to understanding the past stories of our lives including when "Search for Secrets of A Sunken" continues. Thumbs up Jim.

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