Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Indian Treasures: Lost or Found - 107

To my faithful readers:

After nearly 119-147 years men with dollar signs glistening in their eyes still try to find lost Indian treasures in America. For some treasure hunter's its a way of getting out of the house before the wife drives them nuts (retirement) or she throws them out hoping they get some exercise.

Treasure hunting varies by age on a beach somewhere, but the treasure seen is in the eye of the beholder. For the younger crowd it can be exciting and refreshing taking in the spectacular scenery as seen from behind colored lenses. The retirees no longer pay close attention to the bathing beauties, but hope they find something of value. They settle for coinage and lost precious jewelry, but this is rewarding. But, within that same crowd their exists some middle age treasure hunters who turn their hobby into an obsession. Frustrated they dream about treasures of 'striking it richer' and ill prepared they strike off for the treasures they seek with medical problems. Most treasure hunting is a safe hobby, but for those obsessed with finding the mother lode it can be dangerous and life threatening.

I've decided to write about America's "Indian Treasures: Lost or Found" and the historical pitfalls that have befallen those who view historical treasures for personal greed. The more years that pass the greater the legends become until what really happened is so far removed from the truth that its turned into pulp fiction. Passage of time in the lives of everyone changes and what we've experienced and researched in the past is no longer true currently. Mention the word "gold" and eyes twinkle with excitement, but that word can be fraught with untold dangers. Indian legends of treasures lost and yet to be found will originate in Arizona and Michigan. The Apache Curse and Ottawa legends of Indian treasures lost or found.

Are they real or imaginative? Whose treasure is it? The Indians, the government or museums? If the secret caches are found would you truthfully tell anyone or would you keep it secret? Nothing is confidential or safe Those sworn to uphold the laws of land blab. Finder's keeper these days makes you poorer because you end up fighting off pirates, scoundrels and rights of over government ownership. You'll need to hire legal attorneys and tax accountants to swat the IRS flies. Are you really sure you want to find treasures? It's cheaper to just read about them.

As I've previously said, "I'm a historical researcher who loves a good mystery." Two different stories set 2500 miles apart, but two Indian treasure stories where men still dream about striking it rich or finding the mother lode of riches. Don't miss, "Treasure: The Lost Dutchman Mine and Apache Curse," and "The Treasures of Indian Chief John Wabasis." Both Indian legends are shrouded in mystery and suspense.

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